100% NEF-SUNY Donors/Realtors Grant Application


Help your learners prepare for and land career opportunities in high demand and high growth jobs. The market fee paid by Fortune 500 companies for this Career and Technical Education (CTE) course package is $1,650. NEF is subsidizing 100% of this fee. You pay only $165 registration fee per student! Successful students will also receive State University of New York (SUNY) Potsdam certificates FREE, thus enabling them to appl for jobs rightaway!

ABOUT NEF & SUNY Potsdam: 
National Education Foundation (NEF) is the national non-profit leader in CTE, STEM and Digital Literacy education solutions. 

State University of New York (SUNYPotsdam  is part of the largest university in the U.S.



Our Vision: The goal of the NEF-SUNY Potsdam CTE program is to better prepare students for high-demand jobs in IT, Business, and Office Productivity. NEF-SUNY Potsdam recently announced their Make America Skilled  (MAS) initiative, after consultations with the White House and Congress — to provide support to one million students.

What you Receive:  10,000 Top-rated 24/7 online Skillsoft courses (7550 IT, 750 Business, 1,700 Office/Productivity, and 1oo Industry Certification) with live mentoring for most of the certification courses and certificates from SUNY Postdam for all courses.

ELIGIBILITY: School Districts, High Schools, Community Colleges, Colleges and Universities with over 100 participating CTE learners.





For more information, email info@nefuniversity.org





Total Fee