100% discount on IT, Business and Office skills courses remote (learn from home), in-class or blended learning

For 2021-22, school year, you pay only 10% of the fee equal to $145 per student. The market fee paid by Fortune 500 companies and Federal Agencies is $1,450. NEF is subsidizing 90% of this fee equal to $1,305. So, you pay only $145 per student. In addition, colleges that purchase 200+ student licenses, will receive $5,000 cash grant.  Successful students will also receive State University of New York (SUNY) certificates FREE.

ABOUT NEF & SUNY: National Education Foundation (NEF)is the national non-profit leader in STEM, CTE and Digital Literacy education solutions 

State University of New York (SUNY) is the largest university in the U.S.

Deadline to apply: Ongoing

Our Vision Goal: The goal of the NEF-SUNY CTE program is to better prepare students for high-demand jobs in IT, Business, and Office Productivity. NEF-SUNY recently announced the CTE VISION FOR AMERICA, after consultations with the White House and Congress — to provide support to 1 million students.

RESULTS: This system is evidence-based, as verified by SUNY, the largest university in the U.S.  

What you Receive:  Top-rated 24/7 online Skillsoft courses, with live mentoring for most of the certification courses and certificates from SUNY.

ELIGIBILITY: Colleges with 25%+ Free/Reduced-cost meals.

About the Academies

Academy Video

For more information, email info@nefuniversity.org